Verdi: Warning strikes in retail despite new negotiation date

BERLIN/HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) – In the collective bargaining dispute in the retail sector, the Verdi union wants to stick to the announced warning strikes despite a new negotiation date. “The current nationwide strikes this week until Christmas Eve will remain unaffected by the negotiation date in Hamburg,” Verdi said on Thursday in response to a dpa query in Berlin. “They will continue to take place as planned.”

The leading retail association had previously announced that it wanted to make a new attempt at agreement on December 28th after more than 60 unsuccessful collective bargaining rounds in the various collective bargaining areas and an unsuccessful top-level discussion.

“It’s good that the employers have accepted our suggested date and want to come back to the negotiating table this year. Because if you don’t talk, you can’t find a solution,” said Corinna Groß, head of the retail sector at the Verdi Federal Executive Board.

“What’s not so good is that they are blatantly threatening us that this is the last chance for an agreement,” added Groß. A conclusion is only possible with a further improved offer. “We do not accept collective bargaining dictates! We are therefore now assuming that the employers will make a move and hope that we can come to a conclusion for the employees in the Hanseatic city.”/kf/DP/jha
