Ventilus: citizen platforms are concerned: “West Flanders plaything in political ping-pong match”

Ventilus: citizen platforms are concerned: “West Flanders plaything in political ping-pong match”

Demir received questions about the Ventilus file from Vlaams Belang MP Carmen Ryheul, who argues in favor of laying the high-voltage cables underground. In West Flanders, local residents are resisting an above-ground route.

However, laying the cables underground would cost much more and would also go against the advice of experts. Demir announced talks with her coalition partners CD&V and Open VLD and emphasized that it will be a decision of the entire Flemish government.

Decision after the summer?

It is not clear when a decision will be made. Demir gave no timing in the Flemish Parliament on Tuesday. She did say that the decision is not about laying the cables underground or above ground. “The Ventilus start-up memorandum, which was approved by the previous government, is above ground. We really don’t have to make a choice. That is a misunderstanding,” says Demir.

“If we say we don’t like that and it all has to go underground, even though we can’t achieve all the goals, then we have to start all over from scratch.” In concrete terms, such a decision means that a broader federal plan must be reconsidered.

“Then everything goes back to the design table. It is therefore not the case that certain parts of the federal development plan can be revised separately when choosing an underground scenario. This must be done in its entirety.” Such an exercise would take a lot of time and at the federal level such a rework is currently not on the agenda, Demir noted in her reply.

“We are tired of your games”

“A very lame excuse, Mrs Demir”, the civilian platforms respond to Ventilus. “It is time for you to show up and take a stand. Are you succumbing to pressure from Elia and the federal government or are you really as tough as you claim to be and do you dare resolutely opt for a vision of sustainability and future orientation over the quick fix mainly motivated by short term profit. Stop playing ping pong, think about how you want to be remembered in the history books and by your grandchildren and decide Ms. Demir, we are tired of your games.”

The action team from Zedelgem also reacts sharply: “The minister seems to be transferring the hot potato back to the federal level, while all responsibility is placed there at the Flemish level. It is incomprehensible how political games seem to prevail over the content of such an important file.”
