Venice, Zanetti: “I’ll be the last to abandon this boat”

At Penzo the goals of Pasalic, Zapata and Muriel decide. For the arancioneroverdi, scoring with Crnigoj, is the eighth consecutive defeat

Venice’s twenty-first league defeat arrives at home against Atalanta. Coach Paolo Zanetti commented on the match on Dazn’s microphones as follows: “The episodes never turn to our side, in a game that is already difficult and in a difficult psychological condition. I don’t know why we got so low, their one-two put us in trouble. We put our heads out when it was too late. We cannot expect our people to be happy or support us regardless. We must be the ones to bring the fans to our side. The situation is hard and difficult, also because we have a calendar that is not simple, but it is not impossible. Today was a difficult match, now we have Juve, you have to work miracles to win these matches. In the last few at home we lost badly and this put us in further difficulty ”.

“After five minutes we had scored – continues the mister arancioneroverde – and for a few centimeters it was canceled, then we nearly scored. Everyone knows me. I take all my responsibilities. I will never give up, I will be the last to abandon this boat ”.
