Venice, Soncin: “The main thanks goes to the boys. Pride match “

The arancioneroverdi return to win at home in the league 182 days from the last time. Dennis Johnsen’s first goal in Serie A was decisive in full recovery, after a spectacular match with a double reversal of the result

Venezia beat Bologna and finds a success that had been missing in the league for 85 days. Coach Andrea Soncin commented on the match on Dazn’s microphones: “We must underline the performance of the boys. My first victory in Serie A takes a back seat. I don’t know how much our hopes of salvation will increase, but this one had to be a game of pride and courage and I think the party at the end of the game is a great confidence boost. I just have to thank my team: the main thanks goes to the guys, they gave me everything. conquest that fills me with pride “.

“I asked the boys to give a signal to everyone to show who they really are – continues the mister arancioneroverde -. The approach of wickedness and pride was used to bring the fans together. Then from a technical and tactical point of view there are some situations that we knew well, but then even when you know the opponent the quality of the individual is decisive. The guys are bringing out everything. They understood that their qualities must be at the service of the team. This must be the spirit. My future is next. match in Rome. I have to bring the boys in the best physical condition, but above all mental. We will have to make a great performance. Salernitana-Cagliari? Now I am off for an hour and then I think about it (smiles, editor’s note) “.

Dennis Johnsen also talked about the victory of the lagoon: “We still believe in it, we know there is to fight and we will do it until the last day. The fans have always supported us, from the first to the last day: we have a fantastic audience. Salernitana-Cagliari? We’ll see it, but it was important to win today “.
