Venice, Soncin: “For what we did we deserved something more”

At the Allianz Stadium decides a brace from Bonucci, interspersed with the momentary equal of Aramu. For the arancioneroverdi, in the ninth consecutive defeat, Thursday’s recovery at Salernitana will be fundamental

Venice’s twenty-second league defeat arrives on the Juventus field. The new coach Andrea Soncin commented on the match on Sky Sport: “What we saw today was what we had asked the guys these days, we want to get to the last match with Cagliari and still have a chance. Too bad, for what we did we would have deserved something more, but a strong team like Juve, even in a difficult afternoon, finds times and ways to win it. direct with Cagliari. On Thursday we will play everything in Salerno, after which there will be Sunday’s match which will be equally decisive. We are trying to live this season finale to the fullest. “

“We know that we have to go through very difficult matches – continues the orange-black coach -, like today. For me it was an indescribable emotion, a dream come true. I have to thank the club for the opportunity, I was ambitious as a player and I am. also as a coach. It is an honor to face a totem like Allegri, but it also makes me understand how much I still have to improve myself to reach certain levels. I am sure that today’s positive performance will make us understand that in Salerno we can play our chances. the fact of having reached the conclusion many times, having maintained possession, are extremely positive aspects. And then we also accepted the numerical parity when we went into high aggression: obviously, for the quality of our opponents they found Vlahovic directly but we accepted the challenge”.

“When there are such negative moments – concludes Soncin – and for such a long time there are a series of things … When you go to re-found the team you need time, especially from the point of view of balance in the locker room. For the performance provided today, Paolo Zanetti did a great job that I certainly didn’t upset in three days. If the players understand that they have to think for the team as they did today, we can bring home something positive in this final. “
