Venice Exhibition: Winners’ Predictions

S.i closes today the competition at the 79th Venice Film Festival: it’s time for predictions and toto-names for the palmarès, from Alice Diop to Martin McDonagh. And mark, above all, No Bears – Bears don’t exist by Jafar Panahi: presented in the race last and immediately jumped to the top of the preferences. For certainties, however, an appointment Saturday 10 at 19 live on Rai Movie or Raiplaystreaming on the official website of the Venice Biennale. Also godmother for the closing ceremony, Rocío Muñoz Morales.

The president of the Venice Biennale, Roberto Cicutto and the director of the exhibition Alberto Barbera with the jury: Julianne Moore, Leonardo Di Costanzo, Audrey Diwan, Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Mariano Cohn, Kazuo Ishiguro, Leila Hatami (Ferrari / Ansa).

Predictions: a tetris for the jury

The task of the jury of a festival is always a bit thankless: it is the art of compromise (with colleagues) and “the art of the sling”, to distribute the awards equally … And then there is a thread of patriotic pride , a political message to be conveyed. In recent years, a another essential criterion: respect for gender.

All this to give you an idea of ​​the discussions that will be facing the president Julianne Moore, the director Mariano Cohn (Argentina), the director Leonardo Di Costanzo, the director Audrey Diwan (France), the actress Leila Hatami (Iran), the writer Kazuo Ishiguro (Japan-Great Britain) and the director Rodrigo Sorogoyen (Spain).

Venice Predictions: Golden and Silver Lions

In pole position for the Golden Lion for Best Film No Bears– Bears don’t exist by Jafar Panahicurrently detained in Tehran prisons for “anti-government propaganda”. That an award should go to the Iranian director-activist (already winner in Venice in 2000 with The circleGolden Bear in Berlin in 2015 with Tehran taxi, shot in Calndestinity) has always been a bit taken for granted, but the strength of your film doesn’t need political motivation to deserve it. It will be in Italian cinemas on 6 October, let’s remember: you can resist even simply by buying a cinema ticket …

To follow him, The Banshees of Inisherin, the black comedy directed by Martin McDonagh which, behind a shattered friendship, hides the metaphor of the fratricidal wars in Ireland. But if the title doesn’t make everyone agree (and Ishiguro becomes particularly nationalist), would come into play the Japanese Love Life, directed by Kôji Fukadaon a (tragic) story of a couple.

“The Son”: the trailer for the film with Hugh Jackman and Laura Dern

The Silver Lion – Grand Jury Prize seems destined for Alice Diopdocumentary maker with Saint Omer at his debut in fiction (even if the drama of the mother killing her daughter is inspired by a news story). But the hypothesis should not be overlooked All the Beauty and the Bloodshed by Laura Poitras which meets many of the requirements of the Zeitgeist: directed by a woman, dedicated to a woman (the incredible Nan Goldin), Lgbtq + friendly, super busy against Big Farma … But it could also be considered for the Special Jury Prize.

In Venice 79 cannibals applauded

Taylor Russell and Timothée Chalamet in “Bones and All” (Yannis Drakoulidis / Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures).

The Silver Lion – Best Director Award could go to Luca Guadagnino for Bones and All, a story of young cannibals (protagonists Taylor Russell and Timothée Chalamet) much acclaimed. For the Best Screenplay Award circulates the name of Santiago Miter who with Argentina 1985 He has made one of the best things seen in Venice 79 (solid and very classic, but “dry” classic films well shot…).

Predictions: Coppa Volpi for the actress

Cate Blanchett in “Tár” (Courtesy of Focus Features).

A Volpi Cup for the best female interpretation announced: recipient the perfect (as usual) Cate Blanchett, conductor in TÁRa script tailor-made for her (“If she had refused, the film would never have seen the light of day” assured the director, Todd Field). Likely competitor is Tilda Swinton impersonating both mother and daughter in the autobiographical The Eternal Daughter of her longtime friend, Jonna Hogg. But some indiscretion would like papabile – surprisingly – Trace Lysette, the trans actress starring in Monica.

Predictions: Coppa Volpi to the actor

Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson in t “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Photo Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures).

If in the puzzle the jury failed to fit The Banshees of Inisherin, the Coppa Volpi for the best male interpretation ex aequo to Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson would certainly not be a twist. Which are, however, tailed by the Hugh Jackman of The Son. The Brendan Fraser obese of The Whale he will certainly console himself with the Oscars ceremony, which has always had a weakness for those who act with a prosthesis.

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It remains the Marcello Mastroianni Award to an emerging young actor or actress. The “plagiarized” of The lord of the ants dthe Gianni AmelioLeonardo Maltese? The Adriana of The immensity by Emanuele Crialese, Luana Giuliani? It would also be a “compensation” for the two Italian directors, if they were excluded from the palmarès … In the mouth of the Lion!

