Vei Comunicación, a project that values ​​Argentine cooperativism

See Communication, the most important cooperative agency in the country, advances in an initiative whose main objective is to value the role of cooperativism in society. For this reason, its director, Louis Schenonereceived in its facilities nahum behold and Fabian Brownvowels in the directory of the National Institute of Associations and Social Economy (INAES) on behalf of Argentine State and the Mutualismrespectively.

During the meeting, the INAES representatives agreed on the need to have a communication strategy to disseminate the work carried out by the almost 16,000 existing cooperatives in our country. In this sense, Schenone expressed: “The social economy, cooperatives and mutuals in Argentina represent a very large percentage of the GDP, that is why the State must accompany them and contribute to their growth.”

The Vei Comunicación agency works in the Argentine and international market for more than 10 years. It specializes in the areas of creativity, media and politics to develop campaign strategy services, productions, social network management and media guidelines. It has accounts of great relevance as Sancor Insurance, Pernod Ricard, Government of the City of Buenos Aires and Presidency of the Nationamong other

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