Vegan dogs, is a veg diet good for you? Yes to the planet

CAnyone who owns a dog is generally a convinced animal rights activist, attentive to the good of the planet. But he is rarely aware of the profound environmental impact caused by his beloved pet. «Few owners consider feed their pets vegan foods, and instead they should.” It’s the invitation of Andrew Knight, veterinary surgeon at the University of Winchester who led one study on the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet for pets. Vegan cats and dogs, is the world theirs?

What to know before adopting a dog: 10 tips

Vegan cats and dogs for the good of the planet

The study estimated that dogs and cats consume approximately 9% of all land animals killed for food. About 7 billion animals per year.

Plant-based diets reduce greenhouse gas emissions and require less land and water. The study calculated that sIf all the dogs in the world went vegan, it would free up a land mass larger than that of Mexico and more fresh water of all the renewable fresh water in Denmark. And it would feed around 450 million more people, more than the entire population of the EU.

If all the world’s cats went vegan, it would save more emissions than New Zealand, a country larger than Germany, would produce more freshwater than Jordan’s freshwater. And it would feed around 70 million more people – more than the entire population of the UK.

Is a vegan diet good for dogs and cats?

According to Knight Dogs and cats can be just as healthy, or even healthier, on a vegan diet (q also indicates thisThis study, published in Plos One). As long as they eat specially formulated foods for their health, enriched with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

In the past the British Veterinary Association and Blue Cross have in the past advised against feeding animals a vegan diet. Can be difficult to obtain the right balance of nutrientswith the risk of food deficiencies and associated diseases.

Due to their ethological characteristics they are omnivorous and carnivorous

Pets have a strong predilection for meat, and as owners we have a duty to feed them respecting their ethological, physiological and nutritional characteristics. Furthermore, if the dog is omnivorous, with a tendency to eat meat, the cat is strictly carnivorous. Depriving him of his basic food could also have consequences on his health.

Until recently, it was virtually impossible for dogs and cats to eat a plant-based diet. But in recent years there has been a boom in the sector. The vegan dog food market it is valued at £11.5 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach £21 billion by 2033.

The boom in vegan cat and dog food

The food Veganor on sale in specialized shops is enriched with elements that satisfy the nutritional needs of our four-legged friends. That is, above all essential amino acids present only in meat (taurine, arginine and creatine) and vitamin B12.

Only with scrupulous attention to nutrients can a vegan dog diet be tolerated. But anyone considering it should, at the very least, consult your vet first. And, of course, consider it only for adult animals in perfect health.

