VEB will not abandon its mission due to sanctions

VEB will continue to fulfill its obligations, despite the sanctions, the state corporation said. Even with increased pressure, the structure will continue to improve its financial stability and operational efficiency, as well as protect its rights and interests in accordance with the laws of those countries where VEB projects are being implemented. The mission to develop the Russian economy will remain unchanged.

Earlier it was reported that due to the recognition of the Donbass republics by the Russian Federation, VEB and 25 of its subsidiaries were included in the so-called SDN-list, which provides for the most stringent sanctions restrictions. VEB has been under sectoral sanctions since 2014.

Former President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced recognition LPR and DPR, since the Kiev regime actually refused to comply with the Minsk agreements. After US President Joe Biden imposed economic sanctions against the Russian Federation in connection with the situation around Ukraine.
