Vattenfall ceases construction of biomass power plant near Diemen

Energy supplier Vattenfall strike the construction of a biomass power plant near Diemen, the company announced on Monday. The Council of State has ruled that proper research must be conducted into the environmental effects of burning biomass before such a power plant can be built. It is a victory for the environmental organization Mobilization for the Environment (MOB), which wanted to thwart the construction of the biomass power plant. Construction of the power plant was halted in 2021 after persistent criticism from local residents, among others.

According to Vattenfall, it is probably not worth waiting for the conclusions of a study – in such a time frame the company might as well develop proven sustainable heat sources in the area. Vattenfall is looking at hydrogen, aquathermal energy and geothermal energy, among other things. The company consults with the municipalities of Diemen, Amsterdam and Almere, the province and the outgoing cabinet.

Burning biomass – often compressed wood – is a controversial way to generate energy. According to Dutch standards, biomass is only sustainable if it is made from residual wood. True from research NRC participated in, it has become apparent that trees are also being secretly cut down to burn as biomass.

Also read Entire forests are being cut down – and yet that wood is called ‘sustainable’
