Various wounds at the mesaanval in Gare de Lyon in Paris, suspected opgepakt | Buitenland

In the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, a person has been oppacked who suspects that various people have met with him in the past. This is reported by the politieprefectuur. He won many three, but he won two.

KIJK. Various cafeterias are served at the Gare de Lyon train station.

The two men were brought to the goat house and never left in Levensgevaar.

The fee is approximately 8 o’clock. The politieprefectuur deed is still spoken about the power of the father. Hij schreeuwde volgens de politie niet bij zijn aanval. Hij was in het bezit van aen Italians rijbewijs, maar verder is still a little known over him. Volgens Franse media heeft hij geen word gezegd na zijn aanhouding. He is allowed to go to a man from Mali who has a valid status in Italy.

The Gare de Lyon is a significant station that processes around 150 million trains per year. This is the northernmost point of the largest cross-border connection from Paris to the south of Lyon and Marseille and to Zwitserland and Italy.
