Vanessa Incontrada: love with Laurini ended

V.anessa Incontrada is no longer romantically linked to Rossano Laurini, the father of his son Isaiah. But at the same time he doesn’t hide one of his biggest dreams: “A great wish of mine would be to have another child“.

The controversy on the last cover of the actress

There cover of the last issue of Vanity Fair made a lot of discussion. The image is radiant. Vanessa Incontrada wears a long red dress. And there is a sentence: “You are very beautiful”. A hymn to body positivity. A theme that, however, as many people point out on social networks, has already been treated other times by the same actressin covers, monologues and comments.

Among the clearest judgments in this regard is that of Sabrina Ferilliwho in a comment on Instagram commented: “Probably she too broke the bales of being put in the middle of this story that no longer makes sense. It has lasted for centuries! Is that at some point as a mature woman must also understand that these stories no longer make sense … And maybe make one less cover and tell what work he is doing! Since he deservedly works so hard! Come on then! Stop it!”.

Vanessa Incontrada at the Venice Film Festival, September 6, 2020. Credit: Daniele Venturelli / WireImage

Vanessa Incontrada: “I’m in a reflective moment in my life”

Controversy or not, the actress has decided to tell her story without filters. And she confessed the end of her love affair with Rossano Laurini. «I am in a reflective moment of my life, I can say this. Reflection is helping me understand what it was, and what I want from my future. Not just in private life. I don’t know where my transformation will take me, I’m looking forward, ”she explained.

To announce the end of her love story, Incontrada did not opt ​​for an official statement, as happened recently for the Totti-Blasi couple. «They are choices, I don’t know what is best. When a statement is made, there is great intelligence behind it, because it clarifies and eliminates morbid interestsHe began. “The other choice is silencewho do the same to protect their lives “.

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The interview is finally an opportunity for the actress to share a dream of hers. “A great wish of mine would be to have another child. A new passion. But if it arrives it arrives. If it doesn’t come it doesn’t come. In general, I don’t limit myself. And nobody should give them to themselves, a person can decide to do what he wants“.

