Van Quickenborne violated corona rules in 2021

Van Quickenborne, who resigned from the government in October in the aftermath of the attack on Swedish football supporters in Brussels, speaks of an “outdoor party” organized by the organizer of Kamping Kitsch in the garden of one of the guests. “That was not a lockdown party. After all, in a garden one could already invite an unlimited number of people and meet without social distancing,” he says.

Van Quickenborne says he “only stopped by briefly later to congratulate the organizers of the festival” and remembers that everyone was outside when he arrived. “It may be that at a certain time there were more than eight people inside at the same time. I should have gone outside at that moment and then I may have made an error of judgment,” he admits. “The fact that there was plenty of partying at the festival without restrictions, the fact that all guests were double vaccinated and the fact that it had already been decided to abolish all restrictions at home, led to a certain carelessness. That was not allowed. Sorry about that.”
