Van Quickenborne involved in ‘physical incident’ with Vandenbroucke during core cabinet

Van Quickenborne involved in ‘physical incident’ with Vandenbroucke during core cabinet

According to various government sources, Wednesday evening during the core cabinet there was a heated discussion between Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke and Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne about a dossier on supplements for doctors’ fees.

Versions differ as to what exactly happened. One speaks of “verbal and physical aggression” on the part of Vandenbroucke, who would have grabbed Van Quickenborne’s arms and pushed him against the wall, after which the socialist would have scolded him. Another calls that version exaggerated. That source calls it “taking hold of an arm” and states that it was not a scuffle, but was ‘not done’.

By the arm

Vandenbroucke’s spokesperson confirms that there was a discussion within the core about the fee supplements. At a certain moment Van Quickenborne stood up while Vandenbroucke was still working on his speech. Vandenbroucke then stood up himself and took his liberal colleague by the arm, it is said. In the meantime, the Flemish socialist has already apologized to Van Quickenborne.

“Don’t Take It Lightly”

Minister of Quickenborne confirms to Belga that “there has been an incident”, without wanting to go into further detail. “I do not go over that lightly. We are discussing this with each other,” it sounds. At the same time, the Liberal believes it is “in everyone’s best interest that we move beyond this incident and keep a cool head”. “We are facing weeks of important decisions. Cut taxes on working people, extend nuclear power plants and reform pensions.”
