Van Quickenborne: “If necessary, scrap child benefit from parents of rioters” | Instagram VTM NEWS

Van Quickenborne made his statement during a debate about the riots that broke out on Sunday after the match between Belgium and Morocco at the World Cup in Qatar. He wants a quicker response to the “scum” and sees the point in keeping lists of problem youths. “But parents must also be held responsible,” said the minister, who cited child benefit. Since the last state reform, however, the competence for this has been transferred to the sub-entities.

“There will be no impunity,” Van Quickenborne assured. After the riots, nineteen arrests were made: one judicial and eighteen administrative, which could therefore be held for a maximum of 12 hours. “Does this mean that all rioters go free? Of course not,” said the minister, who emphasized that the analysis of the camera images is ongoing.

His colleague from the Interior Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) defended the police’s actions. He has “made every effort to arrest amok makers”, she emphasized. “I have great confidence that the people on the ground are doing the right thing.”

LOOK. Sunday riots in Brussels: a day later this was the damage

LOOK. Still beautiful images from Brussels, where real football supporters finally came to clear the rubble left by the rioters on Sunday
