“Van Quickenborne can be seen on images from police cameras in his street”

“Van Quickenborne can be seen on images from police cameras in his street”

Van Quickenborne organized a party at his home on August 14 on the occasion of his 50th birthday. It was already known that some of his guests were filmed while urinating against an empty police station. The vehicle was there as part of the protection of the Open VLD deputy prime minister, who was threatened several times in the past year from the drug environment.

“Minister leans back and pretends to pee”

The minister himself later emphasized that he was not aware of the incident. According to VRT NWS, the investigation of the images shows that a few hours after two of his guests came out several times against the combination, together with another guest. “There is laughter and while the minister is standing on the doorstep, he leans back and pretends to pee,” said the VRT. “Then the minister and his guest look at the minister’s mobile phone and there is great hilarity. The minister also crosses the street and – just like his guests earlier that evening – opens the door of the police car.”

Police union dissatisfied.

The police unions are dissatisfied with the VRT. Joery Dehaes of ACV asks for the images to be released, Carlo Medo of NSPV agrees and says that “everyone must take their responsibility and draw their own conclusions” if the facts have actually played out in this way.

The public prosecutor informed the VRT that the investigation is still ongoing and that it is still trying to identify the various people in the images. They will then be interrogated and possibly prosecuted.

Minister maintains earlier statement

Van Quickenborne maintains his earlier statement that he was not aware of the incident, his cabinet says. “Many hours have passed between the last incident and the images on which the minister can be seen. The minister does confirm that he opened the door of the combi to properly lock it. Other gestures indicate that he was informed was, is interpretation.”
