Van packed with bicycles: four thieves caught red-handed

Four bicycle thieves were arrested in Schijndel with dozens of bicycles in a van. The van was packed to the rafters and there was no room for any more bicycles. An observant passerby saw this van being loaded into a box truck and called the police.

Police at the scene saw license plates being tampered with and a vehicle quickly drove away. The box truck with van was still in the parking lot. First, officers checked the car that drove away. There were a number of people in there, they had broken bicycle locks and bicycle computers with them.

The van on the box truck was then also checked. This bus was overflowing with bicycles. The police emptied the bus bicycle by bicycle. Every bicycle that officers removed turned out to be stolen.

The men have been arrested and the police hope to get all the bicycles back to their owners.
