Van Morrison is suing Northern Irish minister for criticism of corona numbers NOW

Van Morrison has sued Northern Ireland’s health minister Robin Swann over an article in which Swann is critical of his ‘anti-lockdown numbers’. The singer is angry that the minister will be in music magazine in 2020 Rolling Stone wrote of being “disappointed” that Morrison made such “bizarre and irresponsible” statements.

Morrison’s lawyers inform British media that he has filed a complaint, but do not say why.

The Brown Eyed Girlsinger released three songs in 2020 in which he criticized the corona policy. In one of the songs he sings that “the new normal” is not normal and that people should live “in freedom”.

In response, Swann wrote an article for Rolling Stone† In it, he expressed his concerns that the songs were feeding the minds of conspiracy theorists.

“The tinfoil-hatted brigade that is campaigning against masks and vaccinations and thinks this is all a global conspiracy to take away freedoms,” Swann wrote of the conspiracy theorists. “I can only hope no one takes him seriously. He is neither a guru nor a teacher.”

The Northern Ireland Department of Health declined to comment on the charges.
