Van Dorst farm takes record, criticism of guests Anouk and Gordon

Raven van Dorst sets a viewing figure record with their program Farm Van Dorst. The episode with Anouk and Gordon was good for gold yesterday, but there is also a lot of criticism.


Farm Van Dorst, Raven van Dorst’s TV program, is doing very well. The episode with Anouk and Gordon was good for a viewing figure record yesterday, on Sunday evening: 913 thousand people (20% market share) watched the broadcast on NPO 3. Never before have so many people watched the talk show.

Criticism of Anouk

Many people enjoyed watching, but there is also a lot of criticism of both Anouk and Gordon. She revealed that for a lot of money she would like to return in The Voice: “Only if a lot of money is offered, so to speak. That’s also the reason I got into it. I can’t imagine people doing it for fun.”

Hypocritical, says Maxim Hartman. “Sometimes you hope a message is a mistake, but she actually said this. After all that outrage. Even two of her own team members were victims. And then keep thinking and shouting out loud that figures like Anouk and Derksen are all about free speech. Their dependence and addiction to money is truly terrifying and pitiful.”

“So vulgar!”

And Gordon arouses annoyance with his bawdy jokes. “Gordon then flies in ‘first class’ and that language… He has to know it all himself, I think it’s fine, but to immediately call it ‘fist class’ again… Then I think: then that whole repertoire starts again with all those common jokes. They are also back as soon as he gets off that plane”, sneezes Evert San Credits.

Evert is also shocked by Gordon’s revelation that he finds it acceptable to have a relapse in his addictions thirty days a year. “He says that he is allowed to make mistakes about thirty times a year. That’s every ten days, isn’t it? Drink, do drugs and go about your business. At the Jellinek they have different standards when you say you are clean.”

Gold for Raven

Farm of Dorst was the most watched program on prime time. The most successful alternatives were the Caroline Tensen show One against 50 with 865 thousand viewers (20%) on RTL 4 and Giovanca Ostiana’s Amazing Grace with 547 thousand viewers (12%) on NPO 1.

During the second half of prime time, NPO 1’s Het Dorp led the way with 895 thousand viewers (22%), NPO 1’s Floortje to the end of the world (882 thousand and 23%) and RTL 4’s Humberto (671 thousand and 17%). .

SBS 6 was very disappointing: Sander Lantinga’s Vier Is Te Veel attracted only 233 thousand viewers (5%) and Million Dollar Island subsequently recorded 406 thousand viewers (10%).

Viewing figures

Programs that also did not make the top 15 include Buitenhof (456 thousand), Hart van Nederland (453 thousand), Tropen Jaar (407 thousand) and WNL op Zondag (394 thousand).

The viewing figures of Sunday 5 June 2022 (SKO

Top 15

Market Shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 1,857,00001. NPO1 / 19.4%
02. Van Dorst Farm (NPO3) 913,00002. RTL4 / 18.9%
03. The Village (NPO1) 895,00003. SBS6/9.3%
04. Floortje to the end (NPO1) 882.00004. NPO3 / 8.9%
05. One against 50 (RTL4) 865.00005. NPO2 / 7.1%
06. Half past seven news (RTL4) 865.00006. RTL5 / 5.5%
07. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 738.00007. Vero / 3.6%
08. Humberto (RTL4) 671.00008.NET5/2.8%
09. Studio Sport (NPO1) 671,00009. Ziggo / 2.6%
10. Edition NL (RTL4) 670.00010. RTL7 / 2.2%
11. Amazing Grace (NPO1) 547,00011. BBC / 1.5%
12. Six hours of news (RTL4) 535,00012. RTLZ / 1.4%
13. Late news (RTL4) 531.00013. RTL8 / 1.3%
14. Procession of the Holy Blood Bruges (NPO1) 465,00014. SBS9 / 1.3%
15. Show news (SBS6) 460.00015. TLC / 1.0%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 35.4%
02. RTL Netherlands 29.5%
03. Talpa TV 17.0%
