Van der Straeten promises that the government will go after excess profits of energy companies | Economy

The government will present an initiative by June to skim off excess profits in the energy sector. Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten assured this in the House today.

Business newspaper De Tijd revealed earlier this week that Electrabel, the Belgian branch of the French Engie, has funneled 1.2 billion euros in profit to Paris, a lot more than in 2020. Painful, given the high energy prices that make many families struggling to pay the bills. to pay.

The interventions in the House this afternoon also testified to this. Both within the majority and the opposition, Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten (Green) was asked how far the government has progressed in developing a mechanism to skim off the surplus profits of the energy sector, a promise that has lasted for several months.

Van der Straeten emphasized that the government adheres to that commitment. “We are going after the excess profits in the energy sector, across all technologies. We are going to use them integrally to reduce the bills of our citizens and companies,” she assured.

Appointments Marghem

The fact that the mechanism is not yet in place has to do with the agreements that Van der Straeten’s predecessor, Marie Christine Marghem (MR), made with Engie about extending the lifespan of Doel 1 and 2, she said. “I am bound hand and foot by previous agreements by previous governments. Legal advice says that if we do this quickly, we will expose ourselves to damages. It is of no use to our families.”

Van der Straeten has asked the National Bank to investigate the matter by the end of the month and “use objective criteria for how we can tax the excess profits”. The government can then work out an initiative in June, she said.

Nuclear Interest

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo emphasized earlier this week on Radio 1 that there is already a mechanism to skim off profits, in particular the nuclear interest rate. It will also be much higher this year than in previous years, it sounded. “The only question is whether that is in proportion to the extra profits,” said Van der Straeten today. The liberal groups in the House did not intervene in the debate.

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