Vampire expenses: what they are and how to eliminate them

There are some expenses that are not detected and others that seem very small to you and are not given importance. However, in both cases, the accumulation of these sums absorbs regular income, loses economic resources and, finally, will have an impact on personal finances.

These types of expenses are known as vampire expenses, alluding to some characteristics of these characters created by literature and cinema. The most noticeable characteristic is that they are not easy to appreciate and can absorb money from one moment to the next without the person realizing it.

To combat this type of habit, it is recommended to do a periodic review of the home economy. Of all the variants, it is the simplest and most effective way to identify expenses that go unnoticed, or that are considered extra, and can be avoided. The most common are: irresponsible energy consumption, unnecessary subscriptions, increased rates and emergency repairs.

Energy consumption is one of the most common silent expenses in homes, also known as “vampire consumption.” By keeping electronic devices or their chargers permanently connected to the power, it produces small consumptions that, if added together, represent an additional expense on the electricity bill.

When contracting services such as internet, mobile telephony or a gym subscription, it is common to choose the most complete plan possible, but it may not be appropriate for the user who pays month by month. The same thing happens when you have several similar services, such as subscriptions to several streaming platforms that offer similar content.

Many times the services that have been contracted in the past have increased in price in a phased manner and their new amount is not foreseen in the monthly budget. However, since the invoice is directly debited from the bank account, it is difficult to easily identify the additional money that is charged. It is suggested to be aware of bank card statements, to verify the current cost and take action if necessary.

Finally, the unexpected disbursement that is made when it is necessary to repair or replace something unforeseen is part of the payroll. These types of expenses can alter the monthly budget and reduce the ability to save. It is advisable to check the dates of the inspection of the car and those appliances that require it, such as the heating and air conditioning system, to ensure that they are carried out on time and avoid higher costs due to breakdowns.

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