Valtteri Bottas thinks he will continue in F1 for a long time

Valtteri Bottas reveals the secret of a good life in a special interview with Iltalehti.

Valtteri Bottas does not disappoint.

When the video connection to the video call to Hinwil, Switzerland opens, a large white coffee cup appears on the screen. Bottas is at the premises of Sauber Motorsport ready to start the new F1 season.

– This is a good start, Bottas smiles in the direction of his coffee.

A soft taste remained in the Nastola’s mouth from Tuesday’s presentation event as well. The team still operating this year under the sponsor name “Alfa Romeo Racing” was the first to reveal an F1 car according to the 2023 rules.

– It looks good, but it doesn’t really matter in the end games when we start fighting for points. A cool looking game, and it’s nice to see a little difference to last year’s car physically.

“More than just new paints”

Last season, Alfa Romeo suffered from a troubled rear end of the car. That, in turn, was a direct consequence of the bouncing on the track that occurred in the spring. The only remedy was found to reduce the airflow through the bottom plate.

At the same time, the force holding only the rear tires on the road was decisively reduced.

– The balance of the car was restless especially in fast corners. At least based on the numbers and the simulator, it is much more stable and calm now.

However, theory does not always correspond to practice. The C43 will get to the Montmeló track this week, but its speed characteristics will actually be tested only in the Bahrain tests on the 23rd-25th. February.

– I hope there will be no surprises.

Bottas emphasizes that the most important improvement of the new C43 car is aimed at reliability, which failed badly last year.

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The new C43 car pleases the eyes of Finnish drivers. ALFA ROMEO STAKE

– Time will tell. I think we have learned a lot from last year. We already knew during the design phase of this car what problems we had. We have definitely been able to solve certain things, Bottas believes.

– Yes, there is more to it than just new paint.

F1 veteran

Time also flies in the F1 world. It’s confusing to think that it will be exactly 10 years since Bottas’ GP debut in March.

At the same time, the 33-year-old Finnish driver has become one of the most experienced in the series.

At Alfa Romeo, it means that he has a much bigger role in the development of the car than a team mate who has driven for one season On Zhou Guanyu.

– One big thing came right at the beginning of last season. We set out to develop the car’s balance at all speeds, but we weren’t able to change it yet for the C42. In this year’s car, it should be much better.

– That’s what I’ve tried to push, because it also opens up adjustment possibilities. In addition, in my previous team, there were mechanical things in suspension, for example. I have also brought them here.

Bottas already has 200 GP starts on his account. In the opening race of the season, he rises By Jean Ales alongside and still behind during the spring is a three-time world champion Nelson Piquet.

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In the opening race of the season, Bottas will join Jean Ales in the number of GP starts. PDO

The Finn, who is starting the middle season of his three-year contract, is already one of the series’ veterans.

– Of course, you can tell from the body at the end of the season that things have come and gone. You can handle it: adrenaline and caffeine go a long way.

– It’s cool to be able to drive again.

Owned by Audi

We are living in a time of great changes in Hinwil. This year will still be run with the sponsorship of Alfa Romeo, but after that it will be a couple of seasons again just as a Sauber.

In 2026, the Formula Ones will enter a new era. In Switzerland, it means that the F1 team falls on the broad shoulders of Audi.

Of course, Bottas still cannot speak freely about the future principal owner.

– Everyone has a good feeling. The future of this team is now secured, so the situation is stable. Everything is well organized, and the pack is by no means messed up, Bottas says cautiously.

When asked, he even admits that he could imagine driving an Audi F1 car.

– I’ve been working on it, and the feeling is that I learn something every year. I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t drive, Bottas formulates.

– We are now focusing on this season, but we know that more success is coming in the future. Audi will make a lot of noise, but everyone still wants to respect Alfa Romeo.

A smile on your face

The Finn already plays an important role in the operations of the Swiss team. The current contract continues until the end of 2024.

– I can plan further with the team. Yesterday, in the simulator, we were already talking about next year’s car and what would be needed from it. It’s new for me that I can be involved in such a long term. It gives security.

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Valtteri Bottas and Tiffany Cromwell’s luck also radiates on the F1 tracks. PDO

The coffee has been drunk and the media moment with Iltalehti is coming to an end. Bottas gives an exceptionally calm image of himself.

The happy smile now flashes much more sensitively than in the Mercedes years.

– Everything is in balance in life, there is no unnecessary adjustment. It’s a fact that when you get older, you don’t take certain things so seriously anymore – and life anyway.

– That’s when it’s good to be a person.
