Valiyeva doping case – Death threats against British journalists – Background – Olympics

Mark Adams, spokesman for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), once again tried to avoid any drama at all. “take a chill pill”he recommended at the daily IOC press conference in Beijing to the journalists in attendance who were longing for updates and new information.

“Swallow a tranquilizer pill.” The IOC’s crisis communication is taking on strange traits. Because the doping case is increasingly developing into a thriller with ugly side effects that go below the belt.

The British journalists Duncan Mackay and Michael Pavitt from the Olympic portal “Inside the Games” were the first to report about the possible doping case. They were immediately met by the concentrated hatred of Valiyeva supporters, and there is no end in sight even since the doping case was officially confirmed.

death threats and verbal abuse

In the past few hours, the situation has escalated more and more. At first it was just insults about supposed “Lying” of the journalists, it was now hearty. Pavitt confirmed to the British “Guardians“that his co-author Mackay received death threats. Beside that he was “significant“Exposed to abuse.

Other members from the Inside the Games team were tackled in the media center, mainly by Russian journalists. After all: Also IOC spokesman adams criticized that the Valiyeva discussion in “Threats and Violence” degenerate

However, he avoided a clear defense by the Mackay/Pavitt team: “I’m not going to single anyone out. Tempers are running high at the moment.

Valiyeva decision on Monday

Mackay himself thanked all supporters on Saturday (02/12/22) via Twitter. “All is well”he wrote, and he and his team remain committed to delivering the best coverage possible.

Despite all threats, “Inside the Games” continue to follow the doping controversy critically. The decision as to whether Valiyeva, who is suspected of doping, will be suspended will be made next Monday at the International Court of Arbitration for Sport CAS.

Sports show journalist Seppelt also threatened

After the Russian doping scandal was uncovered in 2014, sports show doping expert Hajo Seppelt was also the target of Russian threats and attempts at intimidation.

“I can well imagine what’s hitting our British colleagues now. The frequency and intensity of the verbal attacks and then often mixed with absurd ones fake news was also incomparable for us when we reported on doping in Russia. I had never seen so much verbal aggression in my professional life.”says Seppelt.


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