Valents wants more entertainment venues to “fight the bottle” in Barcelona

The candidate of valentines in Barcelona, Eva Parerastated this Saturday that more nightlife establishments are needed to bring back “life” to the city and combat uncivil practices. “Locals don’t bother, when there is a local nightlife people are inside. If there aren’t any, people will stay the same and make bottles in the street”, he told the press at the gates of the Salon Automobile. “We don’t have a city that is alive, we have a city that is increasingly subdued”, he lamented before betting for looking for areas where there are no clubs to promote this activity.On the other hand, the councilor has opined that a third term for Ada Colau would put businesses such as the Barcelona Fair and sectors such as restoration and tourism.

According to Parera, little is said about this sector compared to other activities also shaken by the coronavirus pandemic, such as restaurants or hotels. In this sense, he has criticized that he do more than fifteen years the administration does not give a new nightclub license in the catalan capital. “In the end, it’s a war that doesn’t make any sense,” he argued, referring to the closure of the Front Marítim nightclub area.

“Communist Policies”

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Parera has also taken advantage of his visit to the motor show to vindicate the use of private vehicle, one of the central elements of his campaign. “You have to support and not send a message that the vehicle, the car and the motorcycle, are not welcome in the city of Barcelona,” warned the candidate. On the other hand, she has charged against the “communist” policies of the “left-wing tripartite” that, second Valientes, make up Ada Colau, the PSC and Esquerra.

Parera has also opted for the growth of the Fira de Barcelona and to isolate it from the controversies that have surrounded it in recent years, such as the “planted” by the mayoress of Barcelona to King Felipe VI or the criticism of the MWC. “All this does not help us and expels congresses and fairs to Ifema, to Madrid,” he pointed out. Also regarding vehicles, she recalled the statements by the Councilor for the Comuns Janet Sanz, who during the pandemic said that the coronavirus had to be taken advantage of to “prevent” the automotive industry from “reactivating” again.
