Valente: “Baldini does not speak by chance. I also think we can play Serie A “

The statements at the press conference by Nicola Valente

Nicola Valente proved decisive for the promotion of the Palermo in B series. With the technician Silvio Baldiniwho has trained him since the time of the Carrarese, the number 30 rosanero has been a winning combination that has yielded last season eight goals and eleven assists. Ready to make his entrance for the first time in the cadeteria, Valente wants to experience the rebirth of Palermo as a protagonist City Group. These are the statements made by him at the press conference on the fifth day of the pre-season retreat:

“For me it is an opportunity not to be missed, I am at the right time. I feel like a Serie B player, but I must also feel like I am from Serie A otherwise I would lack the stimuli. When I came here I was just back from an important championship in Carrara, I will demonstrate here that I can aspire to this category if I have the opportunity. I want to work and eat grass to show people that I can stay in B. I will not complain and pedal to gain everyone’s trust. Baldini and Serie A? He does not speak by chance, I also think that it can happen because if we are here to play it I think it is important to try. We follow the coach, last year few believed him. Let’s work and then see what comes out “.
