‘Vague’ and ‘poor’: Opposition criticizes relief package

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The planned third relief package by the traffic light coalition has met with criticism from the opposition parties in the Bundestag. “This is more of a work program for the government than an immediate relief package for the citizens,” said Jens Spahn (CDU), Union parliamentary group vice president, to the news portal on Sunday T-Online. For many important points, there is nothing concrete apart from headings – and according to Spahn, the biggest problem, the gas price, there is a blank space: “Here people are put off with a commission.”

Dietmar Bartsch, leader of the Left Party parliamentary group, described the package as “disappointing in many ways”. Germany is not well prepared for the winter, said Bartsch T-Online. “The plans will not prevent the impoverishment avalanche that could roll over Germany in winter.”

According to a statement, AfD party leader Tino Chrupalla criticized the planned measures as “expensive symptom control”. All relief measures are only short-term solutions as long as the causes of the price explosion are not addressed. “Instead of state redistribution and planned economic interventions, there is a need for targeted relief in consumption taxes on food and energy and the abolition of the CO2 tax.”/toh/DP/zb
