Vaginal rejuvenation: the intervention that Yanina Latorre and other celebrities underwent

In the last week, the panelist Yanina Latorre He confessed in his program “LAM” that he had undergone a surgical procedure commonly called “vaginal rejuvenation.”. Although the topic was treated in an ironic way and oriented towards the sexuality of Diego Latorre’s current wife, this type of surgery also leads to resolving some very common issues in women over 40 years old or menopausal women with vaginal atrophy, dryness and incontinence problems.

In this way, the most stinging little angel of the De Brito clan said, between laughter and chicanery: “It’s not a goat. He cost me 700 dollars. But I did it to prevent. After 40, dysfunctions begin and it is good to anticipate any symptoms. It didn’t hurt because they gave you anesthesia. “It’s like a rejuvenation of the face but in my intimate area.” And about the procedure she detailed: “It was fifteen minutes. I felt a little warmth like the laser that passes through your face and nothing more. In less than a week you can have normal sexual activity.”

Another famous person who did it in the middle of the year was Jessica Ciriojust after his conflictive separation from Martín Insaurralde. And far from maintaining mourning after the political scandal caused by Yategate, the host of “La Peña de Morfi” explained: “The intervention I had is very important since all of us who have had a family have had our pelvic floor affected. This can result in mild urinary incontinence. I do it once a year.” Cirio detailed all of his treatment on his Instagram, giving the name of his primary doctor, so it is assumed that the payment was an advertising exchange.

Authorized word. The gynecologist and obstetrician Ariana Santillan explains: “There are various technologies that can be applied to the restoration of the vulva and vagina. A prior gynecological evaluation is essential and analyze the best option since each woman is different.. This type of operation may be indicated for treatments such as vulvovaginal mycosis, condylomas or warts due to the HPV virus, recurrent infections of the Bartholin gland, and the most frequent and uncomfortable, postmenopausal genitourinary syndrome. Recovery is quick and the results are more than satisfactory. At the moment there is no social work coverage and costs start at $100.”

Although it is a common practice among women, the most notable cases are those of show business. The pioneering Argentine was Alejandra Pradónin 2006. She was followed by Adriana Aguirre, Vicky Xipolitakis and Adabel Guerrero, who after undergoing surgery claimed to feel “a virgin again”. Worldwide, the precursors in this aesthetic regression were Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton.

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