Het small lost for the corona vaccine gold for all the planned vaccine campaigns, but will be for the main campaign for the opening of the wings not intended for work in the private sector, grandchildren for ambtenaren. Minister of Works Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS) warned of the advice of the Nationale Arbeidsraad, since there were a number of works across the way. On the other hand, there are large and eco-friendly measures that need to be taken to prevent later vaccinations.
Now the word is that the vaccine is given for work via a wet area of Dermagne to the opnieuw Ingevoerd, but the height of the main campaign is large. De regeling gaat wel retroactive in Vanaf tot 1 October and that year and can be extended tot 31 March 2023. De N-VA-fractie stemde tegen, het Vlaams Belang onthield zich.