Vaccination obligation for over 60s, the super pass for work in the balance

The game is still open on the possible extension of the super green pass to the whole world of work. A solution that does not mind Palazzo Chigi, which considers it a coherent evolution of the current anti Covid regulations, but which, to date, despite summits and meetings staged until late yesterday, does not have the support of the whole majority . In particular, the M5S and the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, have more than one perplexity. All the options will be evaluated until the end, including the one that appeared yesterday, namely the introduction of the vaccination obligation for the most fragile subjects, ie the over 60s, as a “structural measure” to curb the surge in infections. The 5-star leader Giuseppe Conte nevertheless sent a warnig to Palazzo Chigi last night: «A preliminary condition for further restrictions to be taken into consideration is that the use of smart working be introduced immediately. It is unacceptable that Europe has recourse to this measure, and we who were the leaders have abandoned it at this stage of the pandemic ».

The wait is therefore all for the CDM which, barring surprises, should take place this afternoon, where the government intends to launch a new package of interventions to deal with the health emergency. Among the other hypotheses being studied to cool the epidemiological curve, there will be a clarification on smart working, as requested by the M5s, on how to use maximum flexibility with the rules already in force: for the Public Administration to do this it will be the holder of the public function, Renato Brunetta (Fi), while for private work, the colleague Dem, Andrea Orlando. The idea is also being studied to avoid all gatherings and to focus, as a respiratory protection measure, on Ffp2 masks, after the agreement last Monday between Commissioner Figliuolo and pharmacies on the sale at the controlled price of 75 euro cents each. We also think about further restrictions for stadiums: today the capacity is at 50%, but it could go down further, as well as the total closure of the plants along the lines of the similar decisions that are being taken in Germany.

Some of these measures should flow into a law decree. This will not be the case for smart working for which administrative circulars are sufficient. As regards public work, from what has been learned, Minister Brunetta will clarify how each administration can program agile work with a weekly, monthly or multi-monthly staff rotation. This allows, it is explained, to provide for the use of smart working with ample flexibility, also modulating it, if necessary, on the basis of the trend of the infections (in other words, each administration will be able to balance agile and face-to-face work according to the most congenial to their situation, also considering the evolution of Covid in the short and medium term).

In today’s government meeting, a decision will also be made on the extension of whether to continue on the super green pass to the whole world of work or postpone, at least for now. For Fi, the measure is necessary: ​​«The record of infections due to the Omicron variant – it is emphasized in a note – puts the health of the most fragile and unvaccinated citizens at risk again and the resumption of economic activities. For this reason, Fi is asking for the Super Green Pass to be extended to all public, private and self-employed workers “. Just as the regions themselves are in favor.

Even the Democratic Party is pressing for a “line as rigorous as possible”, confirm funds from the Nazarene, confirming that the discussion on the super green pass is still open. At the regulatory level, a framework had already been reached, replicating the approach already envisaged today for the “simple” green pass, that is, suspension for workers without work and salary and the possibility of replacing absent workers also for companies over 15 employees (currently only possible for companies under 15). It is clear that at this point, knowing Draghi’s will in this regard, the knot is entirely political and is also linked to the fibrillation of the parties in view of the election of the next President of the Republic starting from 24 January. A control room in the morning is not excluded to find a shared solution.


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