Vacation: rest is essential, sleep tourism is born

RRecharge your batteries, put stress and tension aside to come back regenerated. These should be the good intentions of a holiday and the rest is not always possible, thanks to restless and unrelaxing sleep. Among the latest trends in travel we talk about sleep tourism, or sleep tourism. Even if, given the great importance of nocturnal well-being, we should talk about real attention rather than a trend.

Vacation and rest: it’s not always easy to sleep away from home

According to research conducted by Dorelan Researchautonomous and independent scientific research committee, 60.5% of Italians suffer from the effect of the first night away from home. Is called First Night Effect (FNE) and is the discomfort you feel the first night you sleep away from home: sleep is light, wakefulness alternates, and rest is compromised. All this is due to the change in the environment which has a negative effect. So much so that it has been shown that on vacation we tend to sleep 38 minutes less, to fall asleep it takes 15 minutes longer, that the main sources of discomfort are the pillow, for 69.4% of people, and the mattress for 52.7%. The reason for all this? Inconvenience and habits aside, the brain is constantly on alert to defend us from possible dangers being in a new environment.

Added to this are the inconveniences at home: «Sleep disorders are quite common, not only in Italy, but also globally. This is because our brain is like a large orchestra: it requires all of its sections to work in perfect harmony. When one of these is out of sync, the entire symphony can be disrupted. External factors such as stress can put pressure on this orchestra, causing or exacerbating sleep disturbances. As clinical studies suggest, age, socioeconomic class and lifestyle greatly influence its quality» he intervenes Theresa Schnorbach, sleep research team lead at Emma – The Sleep Company. AND on these nocturnal discomforts a new tourist trend was born, sleep tourism. More than a trend, a real necessity.

Sleep tourism, a real physical need

«Sleep tourism is a type of travel focused on wellness and is designed to improve the quality of rest. In our busy lives, this deprivation is a common problem. Unfortunately, poor sleep often negatively affects mental and physical health. Resorts and sleep tourism therefore offer a place where people can rest, recover and learn best relaxation practices in a serene and appropriate environment» explains the expert.

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A tourism also born out of wanting to correct an erroneous perception of rest: in fact, today’s society considers sleep as a luxury and not as a physical necessity of the body. From this completely wrong concept, the spread of bad habits, even family ones, which lead to the sacrifice of rest.

Less distractions and less daily disturbances in sleep resorts

Why do you relax more in these resorts than at home? «Mainly because of how they were designed. In these contexts one is led to completely relax, to stop the mind and leave all worries out. The environments help to seek relaxation and mental peace. Because of this the benefits last over time once you get home».

Indeed, in addition to being resorts and hotels designed to be restful, above all they help to establish a “sleep routine” to follow even when you return to reality. For example, we recommend a eucalyptus shower, an excellent relaxant that relaxes body and mind, but also a nap: underestimated and practically impossible for most people, actually the 20-minute nap helps recharge energy during the day. The only rules: it must last at least 10 minutes and never exceed 30 minutes and it must be done in a quiet and peaceful place.

How long do benefits usually last after this type of holiday? “Even for a considerable period. The big plus is that the brain is very routine so it immediately learns new habits especially if they are positive. For this reason, if you spend even just two weeks in a resort of this type, your brain memorizes the changes and tends to “request” them once you get home. In this way the benefits last and a new routine is introduced».

The benefits of changing your sleep pattern

Among the most valid advice, that of always go to bed at the same time. But also reduce bad habits according to the 10-3-2-1-0 rule: 10 hours before bedtime you must stop drinking coffee, 3 hours before you must stop eating anything or drinking alcohol, 2 hours before stopping work, 1 hour before turning off PCs, tablets and mobile phones and 0 is the number of times the alarm will be snoozed.

What are the benefits of a good rest? «A quality sleep helps keep the body in balance generating a good mood, a snappier memory, an immune system in the salon and even extends life» concludes the expert.

