VAB warned that weekend there were big problems on the way, which was in Germany and Zwitserland | Buitenland

Omdat in France de zomervacantie pas op 8 july start, warns de VAB that he didn’t te veel verkeer zal zijn op de Franse because of. When the day ended, we printed it on the given knelpunten, specifically in Paris, on the A10 towards Bordeaux and the A6 and A7 towards the Middellandse Zee.

In Germany There are also problems for Belgian vacancies that arise on the A5 Karlsruhe-Basel, the ring around Clubs consists of the A1, A3 and A4, connecting the A3 Clubs-Frankfurt-Nuremberg and the A9 Nuremberg-Munich. From July 1st, Elke is due in the country from 7:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m. Bedoeling is the printed cotton beperken.

In Switzerland then it was printed on the Gotthard tunnel.

In Oostenrijk Tot slot guards the VAB files on the Tauern tunnel and on the other hand on the Karawanken tunnel on the Sloveense mountains. Also, the Arlberg tunnel is closed in Oostenrijk no longer than that, because the light on a route that door Belgen has not been built.

Touring was scheduled for the week before the “Erg Druk Verkeer” in France and Germany. For Parijs en omgeving kondigde de mobiliteitsorganisatie zaterdag een rode dag aan.
