‘Utrecht status holders immediately resign after acquiring a rental home’ | Inland

To the surprise of employers in Utrecht, dozens of status holders resigned after they moved on to a home from the asylum seekers center in Utrecht this summer. That reports the FD. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the municipality have informed the newspaper in a written response that they are aware of this. They try to persuade those involved to keep their work anyway.

Five people left in quick succession at a large catering company with several businesses in Utrecht alone, says the owner, who does not want his name in the newspaper.

“I didn’t understand it. They are all nice employees. They integrated well. mortal sin. I called them to me, but they remained convinced that they would be better off with benefits and a house.”

Inquiries with a number of colleagues learned that employees who until recently stayed in the asylum seekers’ center have also announced their departure, with the reason that they have been given a new home.

The sudden high number seems to be related to the decision of the municipality of Utrecht to reserve almost all social rental homes that became available for status holders for six weeks from last August.
