Useful! This is how you put Zoetermeer as an ‘app’ on your phone

You can never get enough of fun city news, tips and beautiful interviews with Zoetermeerders. However? If you don’t want to miss anything, you can put Zoetermeer in the neighborhood as an ‘app’ on your phone. We tell you step by step how to do that.

Just to be honest: we don’t have a real app. But you can put a ‘shortcut’ with our icon on your phone, which will take you to our homepage with one push of a button and read the coolest stories about Zoetermeer.

On an Android phone

  1. Open one of your internet browsers on your phone and go to
  2. Tap the three dots at the top right of your screen.
  3. Click on ‘add to home screen’.
  4. On some phones you can still change the name if you want; then click add again.
  5. Et voila! The shortcut can now be found on your home screen. Drag it yourself to a place that you like.

On an iPhone

  1. Open an internet browser on your phone and go to
  2. Tap the square with the arrow at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Choose ‘add to home screen’ and ‘add’.
  4. Finished! You can put the shortcut in a place that you like.

Success? Beautiful! Then you can read straight away. And if you immediately have a tip for a next story, don’t forget to tip us via [email protected]
