Useful! Here in Zoetermeer they help you apply for housing allowance, stufi and more

Nowadays, most matters related to the government are arranged online. For example, consider applying for student financing. This can sometimes be quite a challenge. Fortunately it offers IDO a helping hand in the library in Zoetermeer!

IDO stands for Digital Government Information Desk. In Library Forum Zoetermeer Anyone can visit the IDO for help with digital matters. This is possible on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, and every working day from January 2024.

A lot of arranging for youth

Young people are generally familiar with the digital world. In 2023, smartphones, streaming services and tablets are part of everyday life. This does not mean that every young person automatically understands how digital government affairs are arranged.

Emmy Spoorendonk, IDO coordinator at Zoetermeer Library, emphasizes that young people are digitally skilled, but above all that a lot of arranging raises questions. “Young people sometimes lose track of what they have to arrange.”

From student financing to housing allowance

Quite a lot is expected of young people of different ages. From the age of 14 you will receive your own DigiD: a digital identity. This allows you to log in to various websites related to the government. A young person can also open a bank account from this age.

Later there will be a lot of other things to consider: consider applying for student financing and health insurance. But you can also arrange rent allowance online, for example. It is important to tackle it in the right way, because it can save a lot of money.

Illustrative photo: Unsplash

Help with digital matters

For general information, young people can contact: Digidingen desk. Here we list, among other things, what you need to arrange digitally in each age category. Is a young person unable to figure this out on their own? Then the IDO is ready to help.

For example, the IDO helps to solve problems with DigiD, or when you are unable to find a certain page. If the IDO cannot fully answer a question, they will refer young people to the right partners.

Everyone is welcome

Of course, it is not only young people who are affected by digital (government) matters. Any Zoetermeer resident who has questions about this is welcome at the IDO. Currently only on location, but next year also by telephone and email. Emmy: “No question is too crazy! Also ask us questions about online banking or the use of apps, for example.”

In addition to the Forum Library, there are also two local branches ready to help you. You can visit the IDO at the following locations and times:

  • Forum Library, Stadhuisplein 1
    Every Tuesday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
    Every Friday from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
    *every working day from January
  • Rokkeveen Library, Nathaliegang 81
    Every Monday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Oosterheem Library, Oosterheemplein 132
    Every Wednesday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
