US wrestling legend Scott Hall is dead

The wrestling world is crying for one of its great heroes. Scott Hall lost his last fight. The famous wrestler died on Monday at the age of 63.

By Niels Körner and Enrico Ahlig

Hall was hospitalized last week for hip surgery. However, there were complications as a result, according to US media reports, Hall had suffered several heart attacks on Saturday and was dependent on the help of life-support equipment.

However, his best friend Kevin Nash wrote on Monday morning German time that the family will end life support as soon as she arrives at the hospital.

Nash said goodbye to his best friend with a long post.

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US wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer announced an update on Monday evening German time. He reported that the devices had been switched off for hours. But his heart would still beat.

He fought. But he lost. A few hours later the life of the wrestling legend ended.

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Scott Hall had his big break in WWE in 1992, where he was given the combat name Razor Ramon. He played a devious Cuban exile living in Miami. Scott Hall was the bad guy.

The fans quickly took the character to their hearts, so that he soon became a crowd favorite. His ladder match against Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 10 (1994) remains unforgettable to this day.

In 1996 he switched to WCW – together with his best friend Kevin Nash (aka Diesel). Both founded the legendary “New World Order” with Hulk Hogan and won several titles in WCW.

In 2002 he celebrated his WWE comeback – again together with his friend Kevin Nash. At WrestleMania 18 he faced “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. He was released a few weeks later. He officially ended his career in 2010, but occasionally played in smaller leagues.

In 2014, Scott Hall was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame (Photo: picture alliance / George Napoli)
In 2014, Scott Hall was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame (Photo: picture alliance / George Napoli)

In 2014, Scott Hall was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. His parting words were legendary: “Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do.”

In 2021 he managed the feat a second time, as part of the “New World Order” he was again inducted into the Hall of Fame.

During and after his playing career, Hall repeatedly struggled with drug and alcohol problems. He could never defeat her. There were always relapses. Now he faced his last opponent. The “Bad Guy” is now fighting in the sky.

The wrestling world says goodbye

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