US wants to expand relations with India

In view of international crises such as the corona pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the USA wants to further strengthen its relations with India. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on a visit to New Delhi on Friday that Washington plans to work more closely with New Delhi economically and diversify important supply chains, for example.

The US wanted to become more independent from states that posed geopolitical and security risks. “For too long, countries around the world have been overly dependent on risky countries as the sole source of essential resources,” she said.

The Treasury Secretary also stated that the US also wants to support India in its upcoming presidency of the Group of Great Economic Powers (G20), which is important for the recovery of the global economy. India will officially take over the G20 presidency on December 1st. The next annual G20 meeting will take place on November 15-16 in Indonesia, which holds the presidency this year. The group includes, among others, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Russia, the USA and the EU.

The two democracies also have common political goals, Yellen said. These included, for example, debt restructuring for countries in need or the fight against the climate crisis, in which the two countries, as the second and third largest emitters of greenhouse gases, have a special responsibility. (dpa)
