US still supplies advanced missile systems to Ukraine

The United States Will Send “More Advanced Missile Systems” To Ukraine After All, President Joe Biden Writes an opinion piece in The New York Times† These are missile systems that “can hit key targets more precisely.” In theory, they can also hit targets in Russia, but that’s not what they’re intended for.

What Biden does not explicitly write, but government sources do confirm to the Reuters and AFP news agencies, is that it concerns, among other things, Himars-type missile systems. Himars missiles use precision-guided munitions and have a range of about 80 kilometers.

The missile systems are not the only thing the US will supply, as Biden also talks in his article about “Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, high-power artillery and precision missile systems, radars, unmanned aerial vehicles, Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition.” According to The New York Times, it goes in total for about 700 million dollars of additional weapons and ammunition for Ukraine. The president said the arms transfers are in line with “a democratic, independent, sovereign and prosperous Ukraine with the means to bite the bullet and defend itself against further aggression,” as the United States would like.

This article is also part of our live blog: US is still supplying more advanced missile systems to Ukraine
