US Senate unanimously in favor of abolishing winter time: ‘It makes our lives darker’ Abroad

The US is one step closer to permanent daylight saving time. The United States Senate voted unanimously to end the biennial change of the clock.

Daylight saving time has just started in the US – a few weeks earlier than in the Netherlands – and turning the clocks has apparently had a significant impact on US senators. Surprisingly and without much debate, they unanimously approved a law this week not to turn back the clock to winter time from next year.

“Last weekend, Americans from Washington state to Florida lost an hour of sleep for no reason,” said Senator Patty Murray. “This is a burden and a headache that we don’t need. Any parent who has done their best to get a baby or toddler into a regular sleep schedule understands the absolute chaos that changing the clock creates.”

sad time

Beginning in November 2023, senators are seeking to maintain daylight saving time all year round, which would bring an hour more sunlight at the end of the day. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island is already dreading the return of winter time. “It’s a sad time. People are unhappy. It literally makes our lives darker. The sun sets in Rhode Island at a quarter past four – a quarter past four!”

The House of Representatives must now consider the bill, an initiative by representatives of both parties in Congress. “After a while you have to ask yourself, why are we still doing this?” said Florida Senator Marco Rubio. He cited research suggesting that more light would lead to less crime, less depression and more playtime for children.

sleep scientists

About seven in ten Americans also want to get rid of the biannual ritual of changing the clock. But a large part would rather make the winter time permanent. Sleep scientists also say they are “disappointed” with the Senate’s plan. They also want to stop changing the clock, but argue that winter time is better attuned to nature and the biological rhythm of humans.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine fears increased risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems as mornings darken and evenings lighter. Light in the morning actually helps to wake up, dark evenings stimulate the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, which makes it easier to fall asleep. Incidentally, the US also tried to make daylight saving time permanent in 1974, but after much dissatisfaction and anger about school children killed on dark mornings, the clocks were turned back the following year.

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