US President Biden tests positive for corona, stays at work

US President Joe Biden has been infected with the coronavirus. The White House reported Thursday, according to international news agencies, that 79-year-old Biden has very mild symptoms and will continue to work. His doctor says in a letter that Biden is tired and has a runny nose and a dry cough.

Biden has been vaccinated four times against the coronavirus. He received two regular vaccinations (Pfizer/BioNTech), after which he received two more boosters. And in September last year, and one in March this year. Biden is now taking Paxlovid, an antiviral drug that is supposed to relieve his symptoms.

Previous waves of contamination at the White House — Vice President Kamala Harris, several Biden ministers and associates tested positive — passed Biden by, despite attending large-scale events in enclosed indoor spaces. During a speech at the well-attended annual White House Correspondents’ at the end of April, he said he was aware of the risk of contracting corona. With his presence, he wanted to show that the US “is getting through the pandemic,” Biden said.
