US may still send advanced missile systems to Ukraine | NOW

America may want to supply advanced missile systems to Ukraine. That reports CNN based on government sources. The decision may be announced as early as next week as part of a larger aid package.

The state-of-the-art mobile artillery systems can fire multiple missiles simultaneously and, depending on the ammunition, have a range of up to hundreds of kilometers, a much greater distance than the weapons currently available to the Ukrainian army.

Ukraine has been asking for such weapons for a long time, because they can be decisive in the fight against Russia. The US has so far refused to supply these types of weapons. With these weapons, Ukraine could more easily attack targets in Russia and that could provoke Russian reprisals against the US. For that reason, it is now being considered to supply ammunition with a shorter range with the systems.

Russia has accused Ukraine several times in recent weeks of shelling targets in Russia. Ukraine neither denies nor confirms those attacks.
