US ex-soldiers accuse each other of murder | 1Limburg

Which American former soldier tortured and murdered Thomas Schwarz on November 26, 2019 in Bergen? There are three suspects, but they point at each other. Their detention was extended on Wednesday.

The trio is suspected of having killed Schwarz on behalf of the Swiss businessman Lukas F. (51).

Also read: Former sheriff admits: ‘Murder in Bergen was a debt collection job’

No contract murder
According to justice, the businessman and the victim had a business dispute, in which Schwarz owed 400,000 euros to the Swiss. At some point, he would have lost his patience and engaged three Americans for a collection job. One of the Americans stated earlier that it was not a contract murder, but a debt collection that got out of hand.

Throat slit
That was the story of William Lyle J., 35, who served his country as a soldier and deputy sheriff. He says he was in the car when Schwarz was tortured and had his throat slit. Companions and also former soldiers Jacob M. (39) and Justin C. (51) were, according to William, in the house.

Jacob contradicts this and states that he has not been to Schwarz’s house. His DNA was also not found in the building, lawyer Nienke Bloebaum emphasized on Wednesday, while traces of Justin were found. “This supports the client’s story,” says Bloebaum.

heavy papers
If William didn’t do it and Jacob didn’t, then Justin is left. However, he also claims that he did not kill the victim. “Client has stated directly and very extensively. He has also taxed himself, so as far as I’m concerned he is reliable,” says lawyer Bo Maenen. According to Maenen, there are ‘many leads’ in the file that support Justin’s statement.

Yet Justin especially seems to have heavy papers. “He was clearly the organizer of all the actions,” the prosecutor said on Wednesday. “He has been in the house. His DNA is all over the victim’s body and he has maintained contact with the Swiss client.”

serious matter
Lawyers Bloebaum and Maenen asked to lift the pre-trial detention of clients Jacob and Justin. That request was rejected by the court, partly because it concerns a serious suspicion and there may be a risk of flight. The next interim hearing is scheduled for June 29, so all Americans are in pre-trial detention until then.

Also read: ‘Swiss businessman ordered murder in Bergen’

Expensive surgery
Meanwhile, protagonist Lukas is at home. The judge previously decided that the Swiss businessman may await the trial in freedom, after a pre-trial detention of about a year and a half. On Wednesday, the prosecutor again expressed her disapproval. “I don’t understand your court’s decision.”

“What happened here is that three Americans were transferred to the Netherlands by a Swiss person. An operation that cost tons, maybe millions. Schwarz is tied up, forced to transfer money. We think this did not work out and that he then gruesomely murdered.”
