US companies cover travel costs for employees who have to travel to another state for abortion | Abroad

Several U.S. companies, including Yelp, Amazon and Citigroup, are committed to covering the costs for employees who have to travel to another state to have an abortion. With that, they take a stance after leaked documents show that the US Supreme Court plans to abolish abortion rights.

Citigroup announced the new policy two months ago, after several states, such as Texas, had almost completely banned abortion.

Yelp, a platform that collects consumer reviews from businesses and hospitality businesses, also promises support for employees who have to leave the state to access abortion. With this, the company wants to guarantee that employees have equal access to healthcare. “To protect employees and ensure they can get the health care they need no matter what state they live in, we need such a facility,” Miriam Warren, chief diversity officer at Yelp, told Reuters. and jeans brand Levi Strauss & Co have also pledged to reimburse workers’ travel expenses for abortions, while Oklahoma, Texas and 29 other Republican-controlled states are restricting access to abortion.

Fear of Republican Revenge

Other major employers, such as Walmart, Target and the Walt Disney Co. are refusing to get involved in the debate. Indeed, some fear a growing trend among politicians in Republican states to punish companies for their positions on social issues. For example, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill in April that stripped Disney of the right to self-government at their theme parks near Orlando in retaliation for their opposition to a new law in Florida that would restrict education about LGBTQ+ issues in schools. limited.

In April, dozens of House Republicans also demanded that the House cut Citigroup Inc as a credit card provider after the financial institution announced it would pay travel expenses for workers seeking abortions.

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