US bonds: 10-year turned positive after yields have been high since November

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – US government bonds withstood the initial headwind on Friday. Their courses turned moderately positive over the course of the year, as the futures contract for ten-year bonds (T-Note Future) shows with an increase of 0.10 percent to 111.98 points. The yield on ten-year government bonds had first reached its highest level since November at 3.92 percent. Most recently it was 3.82 percent.

The monetary policy initially continued to boost yields on the bond markets. The evening before (CET), two central bankers from the USA commented in the direction of stronger interest rate hikes in order to further combat the still high inflation. An increase of 0.50 percentage points is therefore being considered, with which the Fed would increase its tightening pace again. At the beginning of February, it had only made an interest rate step of 0.25 points.

Expectations of interest rate hikes had recently risen, in particular because the upward trend in prices at the manufacturer level had not weakened as significantly as expected at the beginning of the year. On Friday, however, it became known that the rise in prices for goods imported into the USA in January compared to the previous month fell more sharply than analysts had forecast. Against this background, the yields on US government bonds came under pressure again over the course of the year./la/bgf/jha/tih/he
