US announces sanctions: UN Security Council meets | Abroad

Americans are no longer allowed to invest and trade in and with the self-declared people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. President Joe Biden will issue the order shortly. The sanctions had already been prepared, because Russian recognition was already taken into account. The US authorities warn that more sanctions could follow.

The sanctions that have now been announced are separate from the punitive measures already in place in the event that Russia invades Ukraine. The United States believes that the Russians are about to invade their neighboring country. Russia denies having any such plans.


The United Nations Secretary-General condemns Russia’s decision to treat two renegade regions in Ukraine as independent states. The move ‘is a violation of the unity of the territory and of the sovereignty of Ukraine. It does not fit with the principles of the United Nations charter,” said a spokesman for UN chief António Guterres.

The top Portuguese diplomat said in a statement that the United Nations “supports Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.” Guterres calls for an immediate end to the violence, to protect civilians and to stop the situation from spiraling out of control.

The UN Security Council has now met to discuss the situation. President Putin has been hit hard by the United States. UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the council’s 15 members that Putin has stretched too far the limits of what can be accepted by the UN.

“Putin is testing the system. He is trying to see how far he can go,” said the US, which then made it clear that the Russians have crossed those limits. The fact that Putin apparently flouted the Minsk agreements was endorsed by almost all countries present. “That is a blatant violation of international law,” said the United Kingdom permanent member, who announced further sanctions.


NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg calls Russia’s recognition of Ukraine’s separatist regions as independent states a step toward invading Ukraine. In an initial response, Stoltenberg condemned the move, which was taken on Monday evening by President Vladimir Putin.

“Moscow continues to stir up conflict in eastern Ukraine. This recognition goes against international laws that Russia also supports,” said the NATO chief. It also goes against the Minsk agreements, where agreements have been made about the situation in the Ukrainian Donbass region.

“This further undermines Ukraine’s sovereignty and makes it more difficult to find a solution to the conflict.” Stoltenberg urges Russia to try again for a diplomatic solution and to withdraw the 150,000 soldiers at the Ukrainian border.

Stoltenberg has said NATO will not send soldiers if Russia invades Ukraine. Many countries have sent weapons to Ukraine. More military personnel are stationed in neighboring countries that are members of NATO because of the Russian threat.


The United Kingdom is going to impose new sanctions on Russia because that country has recognized two renegade regions in eastern Ukraine as independent states. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said the sanctions would be announced on Tuesday.

With the sanctions, the British are responding “to the violation of international law and an attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Truss said. The minister said shortly before that he would not allow Russia to go unpunished.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also describes the recognition as a rejection of the Minsk agreements, which launched a peace process after the outbreak of civil war in eastern Ukraine. “I think this is a very bad omen and a dark signal.”

Truss has also expressed her dissatisfaction with Russia’s handling of the Minsk accords. “This step signals the end of the Minsk process.” In addition, according to the minister, the decision shows that Russia has chosen confrontation over dialogue.

Johnson warned Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky in a phone call Monday evening that a Russian invasion within hours or days is “a real possibility.”

Johnson promised to send Ukraine more defensive support, which the country had already asked for. Johnson also told Zelensky that the British sanctions poised against Russian actors “complicated” in violating Ukraine’s “territorial integrity” will come into effect on Tuesday.


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock called Russia’s recognition of the renegade eastern Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk a “gross violation of international law.” Baerbock says there will be an appropriate response and calls on Russia to reverse the decision.

Vladimir Putin’s recognition of the separatist self-declared people’s republics in eastern Ukraine is a gross violation of international law and a serious blow to diplomatic efforts to find a solution.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s office says he has already spoken to the French and US presidents about the situation.


Ukraine’s neighbor Moldova also condemns Russia’s decision to recognize the renegade Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent countries. “This is clearly in violation of international law. Moldova supports the sovereignty and territorial unity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders,” said President Maia Sandu.

Moldova is a former Soviet republic, sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania. Also in Moldova there is a renegade pro-Russian region, Transnistria. That region, about the size of Noord-Holland, is in fact virtually independent, but is not recognized by anyone. Transnistria borders Ukraine. An unknown number of Russian military personnel are stationed in the region, much to the dismay of the government of Moldova. Ukraine said last week that Russian military personnel in Transnistria could be involved in an attack on Ukraine.

Baltic states

The three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, want sanctions to be imposed swiftly on Russia for recognizing the renegade Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia’s neighbors condemn President Vladimir Putin’s move.

Shortly after recognizing the two people’s republics in eastern Ukraine, Russia announced a “peace mission,” meaning Russian soldiers would go to the area.

“Russia has torn the Minsk accords. This shows that Moscow only wants to worsen the conflict, not reduce it,” said Estonian President Alar Karis. “How we react now will determine what the generations after us look like,” Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte said.

There is also dissatisfaction with Moscow’s move from other countries. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki described it on Twitter as “an act of aggression against Ukraine.” “The decision to recognize the self-declared republics is a definitive rejection of dialogue and a flagrant violation of international law.”
