Ursula Karven: Anyone who eats meat pollutes the climate

Actress Ursula Karven (archive photo)

Actress Ursula Karven (archive photo) Photo: be

From BZ/dpa

The actress Ursula Karven promotes a meatless diet.

“What is very clear: Whoever eats meat pollutes the climate”, said the 58-year-old of “Bild am Sonntag”. Nevertheless, she does not criticize anyone who eats a piece of fish or chicken.

“But I’m against factory farming.” She has an ambitious dream: “If many of us would omit two meat dishes a week, the whole world would be helped.” She even lives vegan. No steak has landed in her pan for 30 years, and there has been no milk or yoghurt at home for 20 years.

Four years ago she became completely vegan. She still remembers the moment very clearly: “When I was washing an organic chicken, I noticed some blood on the wing – and suddenly I saw the actual animal in front of me for the first time. I saw the wing as it actually is. And then I thought: Okay, now the time has come – I don’t eat meat anymore.” She did that too – from one day to the next. You are not missing anything. “There are now so many great vegan products, like vegan burgers, that are made from pea proteins.”

In addition, she takes B vitamins, which are also found in animal products. “It’s really good if you take exactly these vitamins in addition if you live very strictly vegan.” She has also been taking algae in tablet form for 20 years. “It’s my absolute health secret.”


Current culture and people PETA Ursula Karven
