Up to 20 kilometers of queues on the AP-7 in the weekend return operation

The return to the metropolitan area in the last throes of the first weekend of September brings back the usual traffic jams and incidents to Catalan roads.

As usual since the liberalization of tolls owned by the Government of Spain, the AP-7 motorway is the road that concentrates the highest number of incidents.

A accident on that highway between Castellví de la Marca and Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Alt Penedès) in which four vehicles have been involved, has caused queues of up to 20 kilometers to the north. Another sinister at the height of Sant Celoni it is causing delays of four kilometers in a southbound direction.

Sunday afternoon of operation return with complications on the AP-7 due to an accident in Alt Penedès. The incident, with four vehicles involved and heading Barcelona, ​​has caused at 7:15 p.m. a maximum of about 20 kilometers of retention between Castellví de la Marca and Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, according to the Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT). Also on the AP-7 there are about 7 kilometers of slow traffic and stops at Roca del Vallès, towards the Catalan capital. Another route with heavy traffic is the C-32 in Maresme, with about 3 kilometers of slow traffic in Teià. Also noteworthy are the 3 kilometers of stoppages on the C-31/C-65 in Santa Cristina d’Aro (Baix Empordà) and the 3 kilometers of congestion on the N-340 in Vallirana.

On the other hand, circulation with retentions is notified at the height of the Valles Rock, Montornès del Vallès and Sant Celoni. Y congested traffic up to 20 kilometers in Subirats (Alt Penedès) heading north.

But also on the alternative routes to unload traffic from the AP-7 and those that lead to the main artery in terms of vehicle circulation, complications in normal road flow are being reported.

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On the C-32 at the height of Teia and heading south there are seven kilometers of circulation with retentions. On the C-31 at the height of Santa Cristina d’Aro four more kilometers of queues are added, and on the N-II in clumsiness, 3 kilometers more, of all those vehicles that come from the Costa Brava. And on the N-340 there are also retentions in Vallirana and Subirats.

The accesses to Barcelona they begin to notice this return of vehicles to the city and the first retentions in the Nus de la Trinitat and the Nus del Llobregat.
