Unusual videos: the top 5 of the most bizarre political spots of the campaign

Beyond the proposals, which on many occasions question the social emergency, the deployment in the audiovisual production of campaign spots and the way of making the message known sometimes provokes mockery and even disbelief in the addressee. In this regard, if that is the standard, in relation to campaign communication, one year of “low budget”.

From the Buenos Aires district of The slaughter to the Tucuman region of Old Tafi, certain campaigns were present with curious audiovisual spots that are broadcast on various social networks and in various media. Of this segment, five videos stand out for their eloquent creativity, the eccentricity of the message and, of course, the bizarre handling of communication.

“Espinoza cries, because ‘la Colo’ is already here. Espinoza cries, Cubría mayor sees it coming. And among other things, Magario takes a remis…”, affirms the video of the pre-candidate for mayor of La Matanza and wife of the leader on Evita Movement, emilio persico, Patricia Covered. The leader launched an advertising spot ahead of the elections, in which she mocks her opponent and current mayor fernando espinozato the rhythm of the song “Roses Cry” of Cristian castro.

“Surely you have a place to shit. But more than a thousand families in Tafí do not have water or a bathroom,” he declared. Enrique Lazartecandidate for mayor of Old Tafi, when launching his campaign spot in the next elections of the Tucuman district. In the curious video, Lazarte can be seen inspecting different bathrooms and latrines in different rural towns. A great health problem that the Peronist leader blames on the current community chief: “The mayor does not have that problem, but he should have been part of the solution in these last eight years. One of the first measures that I am going to take when I take office is to start the program Decent Bathrooms

Also in the Tucuman region, the candidate Maria Laura Posse adds his participation in the bizarre spots by carrying out the recording of a tour of neighborhoods on the periphery of “The Garden of the Republic. To the beat of Mau & Ricky is running as a councilor on the list of the justicialist leader Javier Noguera.

On the other hand, in the same region, but with a spot formatted “backstage”, the postulates are found Carolina and Emiliano. The two politicians, without using their respective last names, are seen going around a circuit and greeting the people of the neighborhood. Finally, the last name of one of them (Emiliano) is discovered. The list 256, headed by the candidates for the governorship Osvaldo Jaldo and Juan Manzur, It is the ballot that represents the local duo.

Finally, with remarkable opportunism, Griselda Galleguillos use the success of Bizarrap Music Session #53, which includes the participation of Shakira, to make your campaign version. Beyond the difficulties of intonation and detuning, the candidate for deputy from Salta for the district of rosary of lermalinked to Together for Change, does not save on hitting the provincial governor Gustavo Saenz and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. Probably the best of the five spots for originality and ease.

by RN

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