Unrest in Eindhoven: ME carries out charges after PSV loss

After the quarterfinals lost by PSV against Leicester City, rioting supporters caused unrest in the center of Eindhoven. The police have arrested a few people and the riot police have charged them. The situation is ‘quieter’ around a quarter to eleven, reports a 112 correspondent from Omroep Brabant.

According to the police, PSV fans and Leicester fans are ‘drinking beers together’ in some places in the city, but things went wrong in other places.

Mixed signals
“We are getting mixed signals,” said a police spokesperson, who did not provide any more clarity around half past ten. “But the riot police has formed lines and the supporter groups are now being kept apart,” said a police spokesman.

Most PSV supporters have gathered at Stratumseind ​​around half past ten, while most Englishmen are currently walking around the Market. At the height of the Catherine Church, the ME forms lines to keep the supporter groups apart

18 Septemberplein and Demer
It initially went wrong from the stadium towards 18 Septemberplein. Fans of Leicester were led to the square by the police, but there followed a confrontation with some PSV supporters. As a result, the ME had to intervene.

After the game, the riot police also charged around the stadium and on the Demer, the main shopping street where Leicester fans had gathered. Immediately after the game, the police deployed horses and dogs to restrain the fans of both teams.

According to a 112 correspondent from Omroep Brabant, everything that was loose and stuck was thrown at the stadium after the game. Images on social media show that the unrest was great. The situation around the stadium is now under control.

wantonness and insult
There were some ‘incidents’ prior to the game, according to a police spokesperson. The police then arrested two people for insult and wantonness. PSV lost the quarter-final against Leicester City in the final minutes later in the evening. It became 1-2.

ALSO READPSV stranded in the Conference League quarterfinals after Leicester City’s late goal
