University lecturer on Ukraine: ‘Logic is gone’ | 1Limburg

Mariëlle Wijermars, assistant professor at Maastricht University, calls the invasion of Ukraine “greater than many would have dared to think.” She says the situation is very worrying.

threatening language
Wijermars is specialized in Russian politics and internet security. She finds Russia’s invasion of all parts of Ukraine surprising. “The most logical scenario seemed that Russia would deploy troops in the east, but now we see attacks in all regions.”

‘Much bigger plan’
Last night it became clear that Russian troops are not only going to help the self-proclaimed republics in the east, but that there is a “much bigger plan”. The words of the Russian spokespersons are also very menacing, according to Wijermars: “They are talking about removing all pro-Ukrainian government officials.”

Also read: Limburger cut off from Ukrainian family: ‘Kiev is burning’

‘Great aftermath for Russia’
It is difficult to predict how the raid will continue, says Wijermars. “Logic is no longer there. In Russia there will also be more and more unrest, partly due to a severe aftermath.” The university lecturer therefore expects major, harmful consequences for Russia.

Websites off the air
Ukraine is currently also affected by DDoS attacks. As a result, websites of government agencies no longer function properly. “You also use websites to communicate with your population. Any damage you can inflict is effective, because then Ukraine looks more vulnerable. That has a major impact on the image,” says Wijermars.
