University group wants sex holes at Humboldt University

By Isabel Pancake

Two weeks ago, students at Augsburg University made headlines with an application for so-called gloryholes (hole in the wall for anonymous sexual contacts). It was rejected though. But now Berlin is following suit!

In a motion that will be submitted to the student parliament at Humboldt University on Tuesday, it is said that Berlin should set a good example and make gloryholes socially acceptable at all German universities. Is it still okay?

Specifically, three glory holes are required for the seminar building at Dorotheenstrasse 24. “The height should be adjustable and there should be wall handles that you can hold on to,” it says in the application. There should also be dimmable lights, knee padding, “condoms, lick wipes, lubricants and disinfectants and wipes”.

A woman with disinfectant and tissues next to a hole in the wall

The so-called “gloryholes” look just like in the film “Irina Palm”. Photo: CAP

The Berlin proposal comes from “The Autonomous Alcoholics.” – an offshoot of the satirical party “The Party”. But he could be loud Sebastian Esten (22), the chairman of the Ring of Christian Democratic Students (RCDS), still found approval…

“It doesn’t belong at a university!”

“This isn’t something that belongs at the university,” complains Esten, but emphasizes: “But I have a lot of faith in the other lists. That’s why I can imagine that the application will pass.”

With 31 out of 60 votes from the student parliament, the glory holes would be a done deal on Tuesday and would then actually have to be installed…

The university should also provide free condoms, lubricants and lick wipes

The university should also provide free condoms, lubricants and lick wipes

Photo: Getty Images/500px

A heated discussion had already broken out at Augsburg University after the gloryholes’ proposal became public. A university employee said: “The applicants are so woke, they don’t mean it as a joke.”

And the “Ring Christian-Demokratischer-Studenten Augsburg eV” wrote in a statement that gloryholes at a university were “highly scandalous and unacceptable” and would represent a serious violation of ethical and moral standards.
